Thursday, February 25, 2010

SurajKund Mela is Organized by Delhi Tourism India on Every Year

SurajKund Mela or Fair is Organized by Delhi Tourism India on Every Year:

Surajkund, Haryana.
Time Period: February 1st to 15th (Every Year).
Duration: Only Two Weeks.

History of SurajKund:

The Surajkund is a historic place in Haryana, 8th km away from the southern border of Delhi. The Sun temple situated here during AD 1000, It now the remains of which can still be seen here. The temple and the enchanting surroundings of this place won the heart of a great Tomar chieftain Surajpal, who belonged to a clan of sun worshipers.

Great Raja Surajpal had a sun pool and amphitheater built in this area with the sun temple at its periphery. After the chieftain Surajpal, who built the complex, the place was called as Surajkund.

The sun pool is also around this temple and that is a resort property came up in Surajkund. It was began as simple tourist center in 1987 flowered into a center of pilgrimage and a haloed piece of land that celebrates centuries old crafts and traditions of our country at the annual Surajkund Crafts Mela.

Special Attraction in SurajKund Mela: (1st to 15th February 2010)

Indian Regional Dances Snapshot at SurajKund Fair

More Attraction in SurajKund Mela: (1st to 15th February 2010)

More Funtoos Photos at SurajKund Mela: (1st to 15th February 2010)


Now, the Next Surajkund Mela or Fair will be held on Feburary 2011.

Content written by JK SEO from Earth Infosoft.